

Innobotics 2019

, অক্টোবর ০৩, ২০১৯ WAT
Last Updated 2021-03-25T05:32:16Z

Hello all the tech heads out there, brace yourselves for the which I am announcing “Innobotics 2019”, national robotics competition to be held by UIU Robotics Club, in our very own campus at United International University. All the engineers around our country including tech enthusiast students from schools and colleges may take part in it.

“Innobotics” as the name suggests is the ultimate platform to show off your innovation with technology to make robotics more lucrative, realistic and more happening ever! Through this platform we want to reach out to all those who loves and lives robotics to enhance their tech skills and push their boundaries to heights, to bring out the best of innovation they can make with their engineering knowledge.

With an aim to preach engineering among all, “innobotics 2019” is on its way to sway you off with awestruck, more absurd and bluffing content of competition, so stay tuned for more details to be announced!
Location - United International University
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