

Possible Places of Existence In The Solar System

, অক্টোবর ২৭, ২০১৯ WAT
Last Updated 2021-03-25T05:32:16Z

Today, I will try to discuss what it is like to live outside the world. This article refers to any planet outside the solar system called Exoplanet.
Let's start talking.

Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle (born 348 BC - 322 BC) probably first thought of the origin of life on earth. Aristotle believed that life did not exist anywhere else in the universe beyond the earth. More than two thousand two hundred years have passed since the time of Aristotle. For a long time, the existence of life on the outside of the earth did not prove.
So, the space scientists are not sitting. Scientists are continuing to research the possibility of life anywhere in the remote region of this vast universe. Thousands of new planets and other planets have been discovered in endless, continuous research and space missions.
The spacecraft is also exploring the extraterrestrial world outside the solar system. The horizons of space science are expanding almost endlessly as the universe collects and examines the unknown data of the universe every day.

Yet, the quest for life outside the world has not yet been successful. But space scientists have compiled a list of possible places for life to exist. Many space scientists have also published six possible locations that contain life from the long list. This list is based on scientific evidence of the existence of life and the results of data analysis.
(1) Enceladus: A satellite or moon of the solar system. The satellite is located at a distance of about 500 km from Earth. Saturn has 62 satellites or moons. Ensilyadas is sixth in size. It is about a tenth of Saturn's largest satellite Titan.
Space scientists have discovered the findings of Ensiliadas in the 1980s. Then Voyager-1 and Voyager-2 sent detailed data from the close of Ensiledas. In 2005, NASA's "Cassini" spacecraft sent a picture of the atmosphere of Ensiladas. It is seen that the southern part of Ensiladas is covered with a pile of snow. Scientists estimate that this deposits are as ice-like as the liquid water. And it is in the gravitational force of Saturn and Ensilyadas. And if water is confirmed, it is not impossible to exist there.
"One day, the existence of life from the water level of Saturn's satellite will be thrown into space, just counting our waiting hours," says Cynthia Phillips, a scientist at the SETI Institute in California.
(2) Titan: Before you talk about Saturn's satellite Titan, you need to talk about the "Shani Planet". The sun is just opposite to the point where saturn is located from the earth. The distance between the sun and the planets of Saturn is about 9 times the distance from the Sun from the Earth, 1.4 billion kilometers. So it is easy to predict that sunlight and heat reach Saturn. And it takes time for saturn to pass through the sun, about 29 years on Earth.

But one possible aspect is that Saturn and its satellite have an active atmosphere like earth and mars. This active atmosphere has given scientists hope. The space scientists are so excited about this distant planet and its satellites, which are filled with hydrogen, helium and methane gas.
Saturn's satellite Titan was discovered by DS astronaut Christian Hughes on March 25, 1665. Galileo discovered Jupiter's largest satellite in 1610 and, inspired by it, Christian and his brother Constantine Began researching the development of the Hughes Telescope and the space. The contribution of these two brothers in space science is important and unacceptable.
Since 1665, space scientists have collected various data on Titan. Recently, NASA scientists have presented some arguments for the colonization of humans in Titan.
Titan's atmosphere is thicker than the atmosphere of the moon and the Earth's satellite. As a result, the contrast between sunlight and wind pressure that space scientists endure on the moon and the moon will be very much in the "Titan" level.
Titan is about half the size of our earth's moon. Outside the world alone, Titan has a liquid ocean and lake. Though the liquid in this lake is not water, it is methane gas. Yet, in the lake or sea of methane gas, people can swim with methane-resistant clothing; There is no possibility of that, but it is not on the surface of the moon and the moon.
The gravitational pull here is only 14 percent of the earth but its thick atmosphere will be much easier to travel in space than on the surface of the moon and the moon.
The average temperature here is 180 degrees Celsius for a distance from the sun. Titan rotates the planet saturn by focusing on a specific axis and takes 15 days to 22 hours to rotate, but titan's "day" is always the same as the orbit rotation.
It's going to take more than 7 years to get to Titan from Earth. It is also time to study Saturn and its satellite Titan for this long period.
Yet, scientists think that the time it takes for space scientists to ensure human habitation on the moon and the moon will be solved by the time the "Titan" mission is still in place.
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