

Space Innovation Camp

, অক্টোবর ০৩, ২০১৯ WAT
Last Updated 2021-03-25T05:32:16Z

"Largest Space Camp in South Asia"

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math are the four subjects that may be most important for our kids to be learning now. A STEM education is finally getting the attention it deserves and there are many programs, classes, camps, and other activities that will let your child learn STEM subjects. We need more scientists and innovators and STEM education holds the key. Building Rockets, Robots, and Space Programming kids become creative thinkers and problem solvers and may help them and our world in the future.

For the first time in Bangladesh, NASA Scientific Problem Solver Bangladesh and Bangladesh Innovation Forum going to arrange 3 days “ Space Innovation Camp” for KG to Class X Students. There will be,
1) Rocket Making and Launching workshop
2) Space Robot Making workshop
3) Astronaut Training
4) Space Programming
5) Space Education, etc.

1000 Students from deferent School around Bangladesh will be joining in our 3 days camp ( October 10-12, 2019)

Registration: http://www.spacecampbd.com
Last Date of Registration: 15 September, 2019

This program Organized by: NASA Scientific Problem Solver Bangladesh & Bangladesh Innovation Forum.

Supported by: Space & Rocket Center Bangladesh. Supported By: Synesis IT
Technology Partner: Systech Digital.
Broadcast Partner : Live2web....
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