

617 days in 1 year! Earth like planet discovered

, মে ১৩, ২০২০ WAT
Last Updated 2021-03-25T05:32:16Z

Scientists have been searching for a planet like Earth for a long time. As a success, they have found a planet that is similar to Earth in millions of light years away.

This time, New Zealand astronomers have found another planet exactly like Earth. This planet has been named OGLE-2018-BLG-08. Scientists first discovered the planet with the help of a telescope in the South American country of Chile.
Scientists from Chile, Australia and South Africa later observed the planet closely with three identical telescopes. Research on this is still ongoing.

Scientists believe that the planet is located somewhere between Earth and Neptune. And, it completes its year by orbiting its sun or star in 617 days as much as possible. The stars on this planet are smaller than our Sun. 

The research team is keeping an eye on this planet.

আর্টিকেলটি বাংলায় পড়ুন - ৬১৭ দিনে ১ বছর! পৃথিবীর মতো পরিবেশের নতুন গ্রহের সন্ধান
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