

Top 18 Paragraphs for High School Students (SSC and HSC)

, জুলাই ২৭, ২০২২ WAT
Last Updated 2022-07-27T14:14:05Z
paragraph example paragraph sentence 3 example of paragraph paragraph format types of paragraph paragraph development প্যারাগ্রাফ ইংলিশ প্যারাগ্রাফ কি ১ টি প্যারাগ্রাফ শিখে লিখুন ১০০ টি প্যারাগ্রাফ pdf ম্যাজিক প্যারাগ্রাফ অটো প্যারাগ্রাফ বাংলা প্যারাগ্রাফ প্যারাগ্রাফ covid-19 প্যারাগ্রাফ ট্রাফিক জ্যাম
Top Paragraphs

A paragraph contains a series of sentences that are organized and coherent. All the sentences are based on a single topic. Here are some important paragraphs for high school level students.

The COVID-19 | The COVID-19 Paragraph

The COVID-19 pandemic appears to be the greatest global crisis creator of the 21st century. It has unprecedentedly disrupted the lives and living of people all over the world. It has shaken the world economy, halted international trade, declined the stock prices of multinational companies. Increased global poverty, affected the educational system and brought about changes in our century old traditional social life. Now, the whole world is fighting against this worldwide epidemic. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are known to cause illnesses ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). A novel coronavirus is a new strain of coronavirus that has not been previously identified in humans. The disease caused by the novel coronavirus was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. It has been named coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). CO stands for corona, VI for the virus, and 'D' for disease. COVID-19 has been described as a pandemic by the World Health Organization.COVID-19 has pushed the global economy into the worst recession. A great many migrant workers are likely to lose jobs and thus remittance flow may decline sharply by 20 percent. It is apprehended that FDI flow will drop down by 35 percent. Travel bans will disrupt the tourism economy of many countries. The world could see the number of hungry people double in the aftermath of the crisis. About 135 million people will be in acute food insecurity. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the education system worldwide, leading to the widespread closures of schools. colleges and universities. COVID-19 is a potential threat to the entire planet. The World Health Organization (WHO) and other global public health agencies are fighting this curse unitedly. However, the WHO declared COVID 19 to be a controllable pandemic and continues to provide advice on precautionary practices and ways to stop the spread of the disease. Scientists across the world are relentlessly working to invent an effective cure for or vaccine against this evil. We hope they will soon present us with such a cure or vaccine that will help us get rid of this curse for good.

Climate Change | Climate Change Paragraph

Climate change means the changes in the regular weather pattern of a particular place or across the world. Climate change and weather pattern are related. Because of climate change, the weather pattern in specific region on earth changes. Climate of the globe is changing because of global warming. Global warming is the rise of temperature of the atmosphere resulted from heat being trapped by environmental pollution. It is caused by the destruction and burning down of tropical rain forests, by traffic that clogs up city streets, by the rapid growth of industry, the use of CFCS in packaging and manufacturing commercial products, the use of detergents and so on. However, the main culprits for global warming are carbon dioxide gas, produced by the burning of fossil fuels and forests, and pollutants such as methane and chlorofluorocarbons. Global warming becomes a constant threat to the living beings. Scientists predict that midway through this century. temperatures may have risen by as much as 4°C. This could catastrophically reduce mankind's ability to grow food. destroy or severely damage wildlife and wilderness, raise sea levels and thereby flood coastal areas and farmland. The alarming news about Bangladesh is that as a result of the rise of the sea level, the lower southern part of the country may one day go under water. So it is necessary to work with world community so that coordinated efforts may be made to prevent climate change and to save the southern part of our country.

The Sundarbans | The Sundarbans Paragraph

The Sundarbans is the 52nd World Heritage Site which topped the list of seven wonders of the world many times. The Sundarbans is the largest mangrove forest in the world. It is located in the southern part of Bangladesh, on the Bay of Bengal. The Sundarbans is famous for wildlife and wilderness. It is well known to the world as the abode of Royal Bengal Tigers. Besides, many types of wild animals such as estuarine crocodiles, pythons, spotted deer, monkeys abound in it. It is an excellent abode of flora and fauna. It has gained special attention as a mangrove forest. It is like a tourist's dreamland as it has captivating scenic beauty. It soothes our mind. It is covered with various types of trees including Sundari, Sal, Segun, Gaoya and Golpata. The most attractive and unmatched sights include Kochikhali, Karamjal, Kotka, Hiron Point and the beach. Native people from all walks of life and tourists from different countries of the world, visit the Sundarbans and enjoy its scenic beauty. Unfortunately, the present condition of this forest is not at all good. It is gradually getting destroyed for climate change and men's inconsiderate activities. The Sundarbans is now known for vanishing islands. It is being rapidly destroyed by erosion, rising sea levels and storm surges. Moreover, increased salinity increases the vulnerability of mangroves. As its coastline is retreating rapidly, the total area of the forest is getting reduced. Consequently, the number of tigers is decreasing day by day. In fact, natural disasters such as tidal waves, cyclones, etc. are great threats to the Sundarbans and tigers. Apart from tigers, many other species are being extinct owing to the degrading state of the forest. The Sundarbans plays a great role in the national economy. It provides us valuable wood, Golpata, honey, fishes, etc. Moreover, as a tourist spot, it contributes greatly to our economy. So, adequate and proper steps should be taken by both our government and UNESCO to protect this world famous forest.

Female Education | Female Education Paragraph

In our country there are still some contradictory views about female education. Many illiterate parents think that educating their daughters is just wasting money, for they are soon married off and are of little help. But with all these beliefs people are coming forward to educate their daughters. It has taken a positive turn. Gender discrimination is the prime barrier on the way of female education. Illiteracy, fanaticism, etc. are the reasons behind the barrier. Female education is of prime importance for the coordinated development of a country. Education enlightens our mind, develops our abilities and gives us the knowledge of health, sanitation and population control. In fact, neglecting the women-folk, no nation can develop. So, in order to achieve progress and prosperity, we must facilitate and ensure female education. To solve these basic problems, we must put more emphasis on female education. But if it is ensured, the picture of our country is sure to change. In addition, we ought to overcome the wrong attitude towards the female sex. If these can be done properly, our country is sure to move ahead with a positive sign of development.

Road Accident | Road Accident Paragraph

When a vehicle collides with another in the road is called a road accident. It is a common phenomenon in our country. Road accident is increasing by leaps and bounds day by day. It is the most gruesome of the daily occurrences. It occurs in Bangladesh primarily owing to the reckless driving of the drivers. They often go almost mad to overtake without caring for traffic rules and regulations. Furthermore, when inexperienced and untrained drivers drive, there occur road accidents. The carelessness of pedestrians is also one of the major causes of a road accidents. They often avoid overbridges and footpaths use the main road while crossing the road, use a mobile phone while moving, do not follow traffic rules. All these are responsible for road accidents. Road accidents can cause irreparable loss and injure anyone badly. Sometimes, it takes a toll of great many valuable lives. The effect of road accidents is pathetic. A little mistake can cause a lot of tears for anybody. Somebody loses his/her dear and near ones for ever. Pedestrians are the worst sufferers. They are often run over by the wheel while crossing the road. However steps should be taken to make sure that drivers abide by traffic rules. Exemplary punishment should be meted out to those who are held responsible for road accidents.

Pahela Boishakh | Pahela Boishakh Paragraph

Pahela Boishakh is the first day of Bangla Year. It is the day of welcoming the Bangla New Year. The celebration of this day is an integral part of our culture and tradition. So, the day is celebrated with traditional festivity across the country. People in villages celebrate this day according to their age-long customs. Special meals are arranged at home and Boishakhi Melas are held at different places. It is a day of great pleasure to the village people and children. City dwellers also celebrate this day with delight. Girls and women wear yellow sarees and boys wear pajama-panjabi. Some people eat watered-rice with onion, green chilly and hilsha-fish. Shop keepers both in villages and towns open Halkhata (current account books) and distribute sweets among their customers and clients. In Dhaka, people attend the Gano Sangeeter Ashor at Ramna Batamul in the morning. Different cultural organizations offer different programs. The celebration of Pahela Boishakh bears a great significance for us. The day thus goes by. It is passed by holding and enjoying festive programs and functions. Now it has crossed the national border because it is celebrated by the Bengalis living abroad. I generally put on pajama panjabi/yellow saree on this day. I also eat watered-rice with onion, green chilly and hilsha-fish. Then I go out for wandering with family/friends.

Food Adulteration | Food Adulteration Paragraph

Man cannot live without food. It is essential for health and life. But this food must be pure, clean and fresh. Nowadays, foods are often adulterated. Food adulteration means making food or drink less pure by adding or mixing another substance with it. Generally. the act of adulteration Ass intentional. The major reason for food adulteration is the greed of some dishonest businessmen. They want to increase the profit margin at the expense of the health of the consumers. When profit in business is more important than morality, then it is possible to add the poisoning contents to the foods and beverages. They use chemical substances to reduce manufacturing cost, preserve food items for a long time, or for some deceptive or malicious purposes. And thus. foods are adulterated. The inconsiderate, cruel, greedy profit mongers are responsible for food adulteration. Food adulteration creates a lot of health problems to the people. Use of formalin creates various liver damaging diseases like liver cirrhosis. Urea and other nitrogenous products cause different types of kidney diseases specially in children. Oleomargarine used in butter contains low density lipo-protein that causes atherosclerosis and heart disease. Dead chicken in hotels and restaurants may contain germs of various diseases and may produce infection. Artificial colourants contain a lot of toxic like copper, zinc, indigo which are carcinogenic and may produce cancer. Criminals have to be identified and punished. The relevant departments of the government should remain ever vigilant against food adulteration and gear up their activities. It is encouraging that our government has taken appropriate measures to remove this problem. punish the criminals and save the people from this dreadful scourge.

Drug Addiction | Drug Addiction Paragraph

Taking an excess of a drug for no physical disease to get rid of frustration is called drug addiction. Addiction to drugs has, nowadays, become one of the greatest problems of the world. This curse has spread in our country also. Young people who keep bad company are largely addicted. There are mainly two reasons behind it. The first one is young people are more curious. So. whatever they see as harmful or useful, they are the first to taste. Again, frustration is another cause of taking drugs. When there is no hope left for the young, they become addicted to drugs. Unemployment, political anarchy, lack of family ties, lack of love and affection, etc. give rise to frustration. The after-effects of drug addiction are terrible. It gives rise to various social problems. Drugs are very expensive. When drug addicts are unable to afford to buy drugs. they commit social crimes like hijacking, stealing, robbery, etc. Drugs tell upon the human body terribly. They kill slowly but surely. Drug addicts feel drowsy, lose their appetite and remain in sleep. Their brains are damaged to meet death. To save our young generation from the claw of drug addiction, the production and trafficking of drugs should be controlled. Social awareness should be raised regarding the adverse effects of drug addiction.

Digital Bangladesh | Digital Bangladesh Paragraph

'Digital Bangladesh' is at present a buzzword to the people of all classes. It means digitalizing Bangladesh by ensuring an ICT-based society where information will be available online and where all possible tasks of the government and other non-government or semi-government organizations will be performed using digital technology. We can achieve the motto of digital Bangladesh by establishing technology-based digital governance, e-commerce, e-agriculture, e production, e-education, etc., that is, by introducing technology in every sector of the country. Government, being the executive machinery of the country, can play a vital role in this respect. First of all, an uninterrupted power supply has to be ensured. Secondly, the government has to develop computer network infrastructures throughout the country. The government also has to train our people to acquire ICT skills and ensure equitable access to digital governance services for all strata of the society. Our students, the main forces of the country, should be made involved in the spread of this motto. For this, our education should be computer-based. Students studying at primary and secondary levels should be involved in the program by enabling them to get access to computer education. If it is possible to do, our students will be able to utilize their talent in this sector. This type of initiative is not at all too ambitious. Rather, it is a must for our country to go ahead. Because the introduction of this system will invariably reduce our corruption in every sector. It will improve banking and financial activities, which are at present our main headache.

The Historic Speech of 7th March | The Historic Speech of 7th March Paragraph

The historic speech of 7th March delivered by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the Father of the Nation, bears great importance in our national life. Following this decisive speech, people of all walks of life got prepared to take part in the Liberation War and finally achieved independence. Bangabandhu delivered this speech on 7 March 1971 in the then Race Course ground (present Suhrawardy Udyan). The speech was addressed to a huge audience of millions of Bangalee people. The speech was greatly related to our national history. Bangabandhu in this speech put up all the oppression, the cruelty of Pakistani rulers to the huge audience, which inflamed their sense of reason. He asked the common people to stop all the official activities. He requested the people to convert every house into a fort and confront the enemy with whatever they had. In short, he decisively permitted the people to take up weapons against the enemy. In this speech, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman put up the picture of cruel activities carried on the Bangalees by the Pakistani rulers. He highlighted all the exploitations of the Pakistani rules. At this people got extremely enraged and pledged to liberate the country even at the cost of their life. Bangabandhu said he did not want the office of Prime Minister, he wanted the Bengali people to have their legal rights. Before the liberation war, this was the last speech of Bangabandhu and people being immensely influenced by it, attacked the Pakistani occupation forces heart and soul. Eventually, people won the victory over the cowards and achieved independence. Thus, the importance of the 7th March Speech Is immeasurable. The speech is highly valued across the world. Recently UNESCO has recognized this historic speech of 7th March of Bangabandhu as part of the world's documentary heritage. Thus, the speech has added to our national glory.

Diaspora | Diaspora Paragraph

Diaspora simply means the movement of a group of people from one country to another. In fact, the term diaspora refers to people who have left their homelands and settled in other parts of the world, either willingly or being forced or for both reasons. There are many causes of diaspora. But the major causes of the diaspora are oppression, forcible expulsion, wars, ravages of nature, people's desire for a better life, poverty, globalization, scientific and technological development, colonization, imperialism, etc. In the past, many diasporas of various magnitudes have occurred. Among the greatest displaced people in history are Jewish people who were compelled to leave their lands in ancient times. The diaspora of Aryans from Central Europe to the Indian subcontinent thousands of years ago is also a noticeable one, although the causes of this diaspora are still unknown. In twentieth-century history, the Palestinian diaspora is a great one which has drawn a lot of attention and has made the world leaders very concerned because of the plight of Palestinians. In Africa also massive diasporas have occurred either because of war or because of the ravages of nature. However, the main reason of diaspora's attracting so much attention is globalization. In recent times, the massive diaspora of Rohingya people has attracted the attention of the world people. Rohingyas being victim of racial discrimination and atrocity have come to our country in large numbers and taken shelter in Cox's Bazar area to survive. The consequences of diaspora are both positive and negative. Many people who migrate to other parts of the world often have better life getting rid of cruelty, poverty, the ravages of nature, the atrocity of war, etc. In many cases the countries where people move to con utilize the diaspora people and get economically advanced. But in most cases, the countries who shelter the diaspora people suffer greatly, because they have to bear a great burden of these additional people. Consequently these countries face great hindrances in getting economically developed.

Importance of Social Distancing,During the COVID-19 Pandemic | Importance of Social Distancing,During the COVID-19 Pandemic Paragraph

Social distancing has become the buzzword for us since the beginning of the year 2020. It means restraining social interactions to the minimum so that the highly contagious SARS COV-2 virus responsible for COVID-19 pandemic can be controlled. In fact, in a time like this when coronavirus pandemic is destroying millions of lives all over the world, social distancing is one of the effective ways of limiting the spread of the highly contagious SARS COV-2 virus. As it spreads from person to person through close contact and the virus can remain asymptomatic for some time, the best way to stay safe is not to be in contact with other people, especially with those who do not live with us. We must not go out unless it is an emergency. At least three feet distance must be kept from others while we are outside. Touching someone who does not live in the same house should be avoided. Alternative measures of communicating with others have to be in practice to avoid all kinds of physical meetings. People must try to stay away from all sorts of social gatherings like parties and other social and cultural programs. Places like supermarkets, sea beaches, movie theatres, parks and malls must be avoided to reduce the risk of getting the disease. The entire concept may sound suffocating: however, this is the most effective way of flattening the curve of the spread of the coronavirus.

Hundred Years of Mujib / Mujib Borsho Paragraph

Mujib Borsho has been declared by the government marking the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Father of the nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, He was born on 17 March 1920 in the Gopalganj Mahokuma. His father's name was Sheikh Lutfur Rahman and mother's name was Sayera Khatun. He was an intelligent boy from his childhood. He took his primary and secondary education in Gopalganj. After that, he got admitted to Kolkata Islamic College and achieved a B.A. degree in 1947. The country was then under British colonial rule and the oppressors were looting the resources of this country. He raised his voice against the oppression of the regime. In 1947, the Indian subcontinent was divided into two countries named as India and Pakistan. Our motherland was referred to as East Pakistan but it was far away from its west counterpart. After the division, this country was again being oppressed by the West Pakistani rulers. Sheikh Mujib protested to this and became the villain in the eye of West Pakistani oppressors. He had to face jail several times for serving his country's purpose. Finally, the West Pakistani rules planned a genocide to stop the voice of this country. Though they conducted a general election in 1970, in which Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman achieve the majority vote but wasn't been able to form the government. This also fired the cartridge among the people of East Pakistan. On 7 March 1971, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman gave a speech in front of millions of people which encourage the people of East Pakistan to fight for their liberation. This was the turning point of the people's eagerness for the ultimate independence from the West Pakistani oppressors. Bangladesh gained its victory after nine months of bloody war against the Pakistani Military Force. After the liberation of Bangladesh, Bangabandhu started his work to enrich Bangladesh in Finance and other aspects. But he wasn't been able to perform his actions as he was murdered along with his family on 15 August 1975. This was one of the saddest incidents in the history of Bangladesh. But still, we remember him as the father of the nation and will be remembered forever. Govt has declared his 100th birth year as the Mujib Borsho and will be celebrated with the utmost respect. His life and struggle will always teach us to work for the betterment of the people of our country.

Epidemic and Pandemic | Epidemic and Pandemic Paragraph

We have been going through the worst phase in the history of human civilization. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to look for answers to many questions that were beyond our comprehension beforehand. Now we are more familiar with the terms like epidemic and pandemic. These two terms may sound similar, and in fact they have similar origin based on the fact that both are two different forms of a disease outbreak. However, they are different in terms of scale. According to Dictionary.com, an epidemic is the start of something whether a disease or a trend spreading rapidly within a community or region, whereas a pandemic is what an epidemic becomes once it affects a far wider number of people, especially across continents or the entire world. SARS outbreak in 2002-03 is an example of epidemic, whereas Spanish Flu in 1918 and current COVID-19 outbreak throughout the globe are instances of pandemic. In other words, a pandemic is the sustained aftermath of an epidemic. The massive rate of spread and mortality is unprecedented during the COVID-19 pandemic. Researchers are still hoping to find a cure or reach herd immunity to liberate the human race from this deadly antigen.

COVID-19 Vaccination in Bangladesh | COVID-19 Vaccination in Bangladesh Paragraph

The viral infection, COVID-19 has proved to be incurable by medicines till date. However, it can be prevented through vaccination. According to Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, a vaccine is a substance that is put into the blood and that protects the body from a disease. Since December 2020, many countries have started the COVID-19 vaccination campaign. Bangladesh too launched a nationwide COVID-19 vaccination drive with COVISHIELD, the Oxford University-AstraZeneca vaccine, from February 2021, with a target of vaccinating 30 million people. However, due to shortage of vaccines, Bangladesh received only 7 millions of it from India. Afterwards, Sputnik V, BBIBP-CorV, and COVAX were given authorization for emergency vaccination of the people. As per the plan, the vaccination is being done in five. phases under a priority scheme. Health workers, freedom fighters. law enforcement agencies, military, and other forces, government officials, journalists, public representatives, employees of city corporations and municipalities, and religious leaders are selected for the first phase. In the later phases, 80% of the entire population will gradually be vaccinated in different priority clusters. The COVIDSHIELD vaccine is being administered in two dozes and has a few reported cases of minor side effects. The recipients may experience pain and swelling in the arm, feel feverish, tired, unwell, etc. for a few days after vaccination. This is a sign that the immune system is reacting to the vaccine so that gradually it can fight off the virus. Needless to mention, misconceptions about the vaccine should not be entertained. The concerned authority is working hard to communicate proper information so that we can reach the goal of herd immunity through mass vaccination.

Folk Music | Folk Music Paragraph

Among the branches of music is the most popular and a common item in almost all the countries of the world. In Bangladesh the appeal of folk music is very acute. Folk music means a customary song of the lips of general people. It has been being sung from the time immemorial from our posterity to posterity. This song is alive in the lips of the commoners of the world. It is basically a universal song. It mainly proceeds following fundamental flow. On many occasions in our country folk music is sung by our 'baul' singers with a great enthralling passion. The musical instruments become conventional always. Based on spiritual,pastworal and metaphysical subject and tune folk music is delivered. This is an overwhelming narration of rustic mode of life. Folk music having a strong patrotic zeal draws out tears from the listeners eyes as it mostly tells about the saddest things of the past. Of course, the element of happy happenings is simultaneously present in folk music. Lots of people of our country still sit in the verandas after the very sunset for singing folk music with some self-made musical instruments and some local listeners gather round singers. Our folk music is a worth mentioning pride for us due to its exceptional artistic quality in the entire range of art. To save this valuable asset an integral consciousness should remain ever vivacious in our mind.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Facebook | Advantages and Disadvantages of Facebook Paragraph

Facebook is a very popular social networking site that has both advantages and disadvantages. It is a great way to keep in touch with our family and friends with instant messaging, audio and video calling facilities. Facebook is the perfect environment to stay connected. With the status updates, photos, and profile information, we can know updated information about our connected friends or relatives. Facebook helps us to know and meet new people easily. We can search for our friends with the name or mobile number. Using Facebook, one can express one's opinion easily and others can comment on that. It has created business opportunities for us. Now, a businessman can easily promote his products or services to their customers through Facebook. Customers also find it easy to search for necessary products and know about them, Students can communicate with their mates, other students, and teachers and find answers to their questions. They can meet great teachers and educators and learn great things from them. On the other hand, there are some disadvantages of Facebook too. Teenagers who spend a lot of time using it will suffer in the long run. It kills their valuable time of the study. Sometimes people share wrong and hateful news and information that cause harm to others. Cyber criminals are always active. They can steal your information from your profile and harass you. Facebook, people know about different cultures worldwide. Sometimes, they and start practicing other cultures forgetting their own cultures. Thus It causes a cultural assault breaking our own cultures. Facebook is a useful and helpful tool but it becomes harmful if you begin to waste your valuable time because the loss of your precious time can lead to other problems. There is no denying fact that Facebook has a lot of advantages with some disadvantages too. So, we must be careful about using this social media.

The 7th March Speech | The 7th March Speech Paragraph

7th March Speech is regarded as the historical speech in Bangladesh. This historical speech was delivered by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on 7th March 1971 at Ramna Race Course maidan in Dhaka to a gathering of over 10 lakh (1,000,000) people at 2:45 pm to 3:03 pm. It was delivered during a period of escalating tensions between East Pakistan and the powerful political and military establishment of West Pakistan. In his speech, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman proclaimed: "The struggle this time, is a struggle for our liberty. The struggle this time, is a struggle for our independence." He announced a civil disobedience movement in the province, calling for "every house to turn into a fortress" The speech inspired the Bangalees to prepare for a war of independence. He called upon all Bangalees of then East Pakistan to launch a significant struggle against the Pakistani occupation forces. He also indicated for taking all-out preparations for the War of Liberation. The Bangladesh Liberation War began 18 days later when the Pakistan Army launched Operation Searchlight against Bengali civilians, intelligentsia, students, politicians, and armed personnel. However, the speech has effectively declared the independence of Bangladesh. The speech of 7th March inspired the whole nation to take part in liberation war and free our country from the enemy. This speech touched the soul of every Bangladeshi and even after 1971 it has encouraged and guided us to build up our nation. Really, it was an eye-opening declaration for us. It's a matter of great pride for us that UNESCO has added the speech in the Memory of the World Register as a documentary heritage on 30 October 2017 and so the whole world will know about the historic speech now.

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